Projects proposed to have induced earthquakes
The Human-Induced Earthquake Database (HiQuake)
The Human-Induced Earthquake Database (HiQuake) is the largest and most up-to-date database of industrial projects proposed to have induced or triggered earthquakes. HiQuake lists all industrial projects claimed, on scientific grounds, to have induced earthquakes. The database does not filter, rank or discriminate on the basis of the strength of the claims.
The data are freely available to download in Microsoft Excel format for your own analysis. Depending on your browser, you may need to copy the link address to a new tab and/or enable pop ups to initiate the download.
We endeavour to keep the database up to date and accurate. If you have additional cases to add to the database, more information regarding existing entries, or corrections, please contact us.
HiQuake was last updated on the 5th January 2025.
New HiQuake paper released
The HiQuake team recently published a new paper in Nature Scientific Reports titled “The plausibility of claimed induced seismicity“.
The paper applies our “Evaluating Proposals of Induced Earthquakes (E-PIE)” assessment scheme to the whole HiQuake database to initially assess the reliability of all globally known cases of proposed human-induced earthquakes. The E-PIE scores are available as Table S4 in the new paper and have also been included in the latest version of the HiQuake database.
- Fracking 32%
- Mining 23%
- Water reservoir impoundment 18%
- Conventional Oil and Gas 11%
- Geothermal 6%
- Waste fluid disposal 4%
- Nuclear explosions 2%
- Research 1%
- Unspecified Oil and Gas/Waste fluid disposal 1%
- Groundwater extraction .9%
- CCS .4%
- Deep penetrating bombs .3%
- Construction .3%
- Chemical explosions .2%
- CBM .1%